LSIC 2023 Paid Members
Thank you for your continued support. Because of your donations, the LSIC is able to provide and completed the Lake Management and Monitoring Programs.
Alsfeld, Eric
Apollonio, Ben & Sara
Arpano, Theresa
Baker, Paul & Janet
Balducci, Susan & Peter
Bell, Nanci
Bergeron, Francis
Bilotta, Jane
Bilotta, Joanna
Bolio, Judith & Bob
Braun, Ashley
Brisson, Brian & Liz
Cadaret, Paul
Chadwick, David
Chenis, Kenneth
Cila, Cheryl
Clouthier, Gloria
Cole, Todd
Coolen, Plankey
Couture, George & Linda
Crocker, Thomas
DeLaite, Deborah
Derner, Carl & Joy
Dorsey, Jim & Susan
Ellowitz, Jay
Evans, R & J
Farley, Monica & Adam
Farrow, Shawn & Danielle
Fassbender, Tom & Cece
Fortin, Anne Marie
Fortin, Delollis
Fournier, J & F
Gallagher, John & Annette
Gee, Mike & Cindylee
Godfrey, Walter
Gonthier, Denise
Griffin, Shannon & Jamie
Griffis, Caroline
Hamburg, Joanne
Harbor Classic, Home
Hart, David & Maureen
Helstowski, Constance
Hitzenbuhler, Sean
Holman, Irene Howard, John
Huse, Storm
Jacoby, Douglas
Jalbert, John
Jewell, Perry & Sue
Johns, Debbie
Jordan, Derek
Keating, J. Olson
Katisch, Nathan & Caitlin
Kincaid, Patrick
Kirouac, Scott
Kodzis, Ray & Sally
Kohlstrom, Cassavechi
Koronis, Peter & Lilian
Kroll, Gary & Tina
Kuehl, Troy
Kullberg, Alan & Christine
LaBranche, Dennis & Carol
Langenbacher, Kathleen
Lastella, Cote
Lavoie, James
Lawless, Bart
Leger, Roland
LeVeille, Dan & Julie
Lovewell, Mike & Tammy
Malady, Nancy
Marchetti, Robert
McAllister, Robert & Diane
McCaffrey, Kelly
McCarthy, Melissa
Magurn, Butch
McNiff, Virginia
Melanson, Gerry & Kim
Morgan, Justine
Naparstek, Walter
Noke, Bill & Rebecca
Normandin, Elaine
Nuthman, Conrad
Patry, Richie & Kathy
Payne, Tom
Pearson, Richard
Pelletier, Dave & Andrea
Perkins, Mary
Perko, Sandra
Pirro, Nicholas
Planitzer, Kerry & Sheila
Polcari, Anthony & Janice
Rahaim, Nancy
Ramondelli, Jackie
Reinhart, Glen & Kathleen
Rhee, Yun J.
Richard, Jeffrey & Lisa
Ritchie, Brian & Cynthia
Rivard, Steven & Debbie
Roux, Jason
Ryder, Brian & Kelly
Salamone, Connoly
Simeone, Jay
Spindt, Gary & Maureen
Sprague, Marc & Christine
Sullivan, Paul & Brenda
Tata, John & Louise
Tessier, Comsana
Tocci, George
Tousignant, Justin
Tower, Brian & Karen
Tremblay, Teresa & Richard
Tucker, John
Tufts, Michael & Denise
Vaillancourt, Sheila
Valente, Paula
Vella, Mark & Diane
Vitone, Tom & Joan
Watt, David
White, Steve
Whitten, Mark
Widdowson, Janice & Martin
Williams, Fred
Willliams, Gary
Wilson, Ron & Robin
Wolframm, Virginia
Wu, Thomas
Wysk, Joe & Diane
Yapp, Wilcox
Yawor, A&D